Electronic Supervisor (patented) for Batch Process Management

Electronic Supervisor (patented) for Batch Process Management

Electronic Supervisor is a patented productivity improvement tool for chemical batch process plants.

The Electronic Supervisor ensures execution and logging of manual as well as automated steps as per a recipe/SOP. Multiple product recipes across multiple plant equipment can be managed effortlessly by the tool. The formulations can be managed and saved as a different recipe without requiring any coding or involvement of E&I.

The Electronic Supervisor even guides the operators for manual steps through voice announcements of various steps and ensures compliance by logging of the activities.

A detailed report of the batch number is automatically generated after every batch that records the status at completion of each step, QC and lab parameters, any process upsets, and the time deviation for each step. SMS alerts are sent to mobile phones of concerned persons regarding progress of the batch, process upsets.

The Electronic Supervisor helps to significantly improve batch cycle times and improve product quality by ensuring strict process compliance and consistency.

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